Dvaja švédski novinári prekročili hranice medzi Somálskom a Etiópiou. Chcú preskúmať, ako honba za ropou ohrozuje obyvateľstvo. Päť dní nato ich niekto postrelí v púšti a začína sa ďalší príbeh...
438 Days is the true story about journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson put everything at stake when crossing the border between Somalia and Ethiopia. They want to investigate and tell the truth about how the hunt for oil affects the population in the Ogaden region. Five days later they lie shot in the desert, and another story begins. The film 438 DAYS is the story of two men who are thrown into a nightmarish reality when the hunt for truth turns into an international political game of life and death, a fight for survival where friendship becomes the most important weapon.
Získajte všetky materiály k filmu, ktoré potrebujete – plagát, distribučné listy, snímky vo vysokom rozlíšení, marketingové materiály, trailer alebo napríklad soundtrack k filmu.